Prekládka ropných produktov a polotovarov

The pumping of light products is carried out by separate pumps and pipeline routes, thus avoiding mixing of raw materials. The technology enables the transhipment of light products from wide gauge wagons to standard gauge wagons or vice versa.

The annual capacity for transhipment of light products is approx. 100 thousand tons.

Depending on the specific product, tank cars or ISO tank containers are used in the pumping process.

We provide the following transhipment services:

  • weighing of rail wagons on certified scales
  • sampling
  • analysis of samples in an internationally accredited laboratory
Transshipment options    
From To Product
UA wagons/container EUR wagons Benzol
UA wagons/container EUR wagons Washing oil
UA wagons/container EUR wagons Naphthalene
UA wagons/container EUR wagons Benzene
tanktruck EUR wagons Gas Condensate
EUR wagons/container UA wagons Diesel
UA wagons/container EUR wagons Diesel
UA wagons/container EUR wagons technological vegetable oil
UA wagons/container EUR wagons/container non-volatile petroleum products *

* based on individual assessment